Sorry if it took me a while to write about something else. My life was completely changed since September 1, 2009. My partner bought a very old 1975 mobile home situated in a mobile park close to our home. That was such a good deal that he couldn't resist. Having such talent at renovating almost everything, he decided that it would be a great idea to fix it and rent it for a while to our son.
The project started September 1, the day that we took possession of the place. We started to rip the outside at the same time that some were basically destroying some walls in the inside. At first we were suppose to do only couple of renovations: a new roof, new windows and doors, and new floors. But being constantly in the mobile home evenings and weekends we realized that it would be better to do little more. So my husband did little more. Oups! I mean a lot more!! Everything went to the dump. He kept the trailer metal frame, the furnace that was in excellent condition and the toilet that was changed before we bought the place. That's it! He redid everything from A to Z. It was not a project anymore; it was the construction of a brand new mobile home!!
It took exactly 6 months of evenings and weekends of hard work. It took our social life away for a while and it took our family time on the stand by. It was hard sometimes to manage working at the mobile home and doing all the chores at home too. A lot of time I was exhausted, even if I was basically just a helper. My older son and his friend did a lot too, even my little Alex came to help couple of times. But the most jobs were done by my hubby. He was the jack of all trade and he knew perfectly what to do. He's a genius when it comes to renos!
My son moved a week ago. For my part my job is done there. I bring back my apron and my old pair of running shoes that was there like a piece of furniture. Yep! now it's completely done. The final project is amazing and we are really proud of it! We transformed a 1975 mobile home to a 2010 mobile home!!
Now I have my life back at home. My routine came back to place. So weird because I didn't really know what to do. It was actually kind of boring. So Last Saturday we did a nice bonfire with good friends, good drinks and food. That was the best evening since long time and it was so so nice to socialize! We had a great time! Thanks everyone who showed up! That was really appreciated! I promise! I will not wait another 6 months for my next party!!
Wow! Lise , elle est superbe la photo avec la lune! Bravo pour ton blog. C'est l'fun d'avoir des nouvelles!